Welcome  to the Northmead Bowling Club Pensioners Web Site. Updated Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12:30

Watch this space for upcoming announcmenets.




Northmead contact Information

+27 072 357 9674
Postal address
P.O. Box 15570 Farrarmere 1518, Gauteng, South Africa
Street Address
Cnr 8th Avenue and 5th St Northmead Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa
Electronic mail
        Chairman: chairman@northmeadbowls.co.za
Secretary: secretary@northmeadbowls.co.za
Competition Secretary: competitionsecretary@northmeadbowls.co.za
        Webmaster: webmaster@northmeadbowls.co.za
        Club Manager: clubmanager@northmeadbowls.co.za